表单向导 https://github.com/techlab/jquery-smartwizard

1、如果不需要工具栏固定在页面底部, 将style中下面的部分取消注释


2、如果设置了自动调节高度(autoAdjustHeight)为true, 将style中下面的部分取消注释


3、工具栏的按钮样式会被表单插件中.btn样式覆盖导致bootstrap中的按钮样式无效, 如果需要改变按钮样式可以自己定义并提高优先级


  selected: 0, // Initial selected step, 0 = first step
  theme: 'default', // theme for the wizard, related css need to include for other than default theme
  justified: true, // Nav menu justification. true/false
  darkMode:false, // Enable/disable Dark Mode if the theme supports. true/false
  autoAdjustHeight: true, // Automatically adjust content height
  cycleSteps: false, // Allows to cycle the navigation of steps
  backButtonSupport: true, // Enable the back button support
  enableURLhash: true, // Enable selection of the step based on url hash
  transition: {
      animation: 'none', // Effect on navigation, none/fade/slide-horizontal/slide-vertical/slide-swing
      speed: '400', // Transion animation speed
      easing:'' // Transition animation easing. Not supported without a jQuery easing plugin
  toolbarSettings: {
      toolbarPosition: 'bottom', // none, top, bottom, both
      toolbarButtonPosition: 'right', // left, right, center
      showNextButton: true, // show/hide a Next button
      showPreviousButton: true, // show/hide a Previous button
      toolbarExtraButtons: [] // Extra buttons to show on toolbar, array of jQuery input/buttons elements
  anchorSettings: {
      anchorClickable: true, // Enable/Disable anchor navigation
      enableAllAnchors: false, // Activates all anchors clickable all times
      markDoneStep: true, // Add done state on navigation
      markAllPreviousStepsAsDone: true, // When a step selected by url hash, all previous steps are marked done
      removeDoneStepOnNavigateBack: false, // While navigate back done step after active step will be cleared
      enableAnchorOnDoneStep: true // Enable/Disable the done steps navigation
  keyboardSettings: {
      keyNavigation: true, // Enable/Disable keyboard navigation(left and right keys are used if enabled)
      keyLeft: [37], // Left key code
      keyRight: [39] // Right key code
  lang: { // Language variables for button
      next: 'Next',
      previous: 'Previous'
  disabledSteps: [], // Array Steps disabled
  errorSteps: [], // Highlight step with errors
  hiddenSteps: [] // Hidden steps